
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Unfinished business LOL

Well, it was the last day of the month yesterday and sad to say my February cross stitch ornament didn't get finished. Even with an extra day in the month I didn't find time.  I can't keep it a secret from my sister the lovely Mrs HMM, as I fear she is the only one reading my blog LOL. OK, I confess. But as she's coming for a crafty afternoon tea tomorrow I will get it completed tonight. I'm OK with the stitching part, it's the finishing part that I need inspiration with. Watch this space. We plan to start our new one for March tomorrow, can't wait!!
February Decoration "not quite finish"
Once again the biscuit tins were bare. I usually stick to my same old same old recipes, but decided to try something new to me. Pulled out the illustrated Edmonds Cook Book and hit upon Belgium Biscuits. The mixture was a wee bit dry and crumbly so next time I'll add less flour. Plus it was a pain having to roll out the mixture. They look and smell really nice- iced with raspberry icing and topped with jelly crystals. I didn't samwich them together with jam to make them go further- stingy me. I can't eat any as I'm five weeks into the Cohen diet, but that's another story. I gave them to the chief taster who proclaimed them great. Just worried how the teenage boys will get on pulling out biscuits with hot pink icing at school tomorrow, thanks Mum.
Belgium Biscuits with hot pink icing for teenage boys LOL
 It's been a busy day at work, I manage to pack heaps into the 6 hours I am there. Easy tea tonight- get your own everbody. I hope to do some more on the "Kindy order"- 30 outfits in total, with 11 completed. I also want to watch Project Runway as well.
I'll leave you with this cute card I've bought for a friend, bye for now Mrs SFP
We never grow up, we just learn how to act in public.....

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